Organised sporting activities are an excellent way to encourage an appreciation of physical activity, to develop a further understanding of team building and team play, to gain an insight into the role that competitive and participatory sport plays in Australian society and also to engage socially with others outside the regular class/school environment.
We have a Health and Physical Education program based on the Australian Curriculum delivered by a specialist teacher, and extra-curricular activities supported and facilitated by volunteer parent coaches, under the guidance of the Sports Committee and Governing Council. The school curriculum program includes SAPSASA events, school team sports, Sports Day and Swimming Carnival (years 3-6) as well as a variety of clinics and other opportunities during the year. Extra-curricular sporting activities are led by parent volunteers. In order for these programs to run successfully, we rely on our community to support the coaches and ensure that students are supervised by a parent/caregiver during coaching sessions and games.
For more information, please contact the school
Swimming & Aquatics
Students in year R-5 attend Swimming lessons in term 1 at the ARC Campbelltown.
Students in year 6 & 7 attend an Aquatics Program in term 1. This is held at Port Noarlunga Aquatic Centre.
Other Sports
We offer team sports in many other areas such as cricket, football, soccer, netball and basketball. These are a great way to become involved in our community.