Forms and Payments
Norwood Primary School are currently transitioning to an online consent form system called EdSmart. Parents/Caregivers will receive consent forms directly to their email to complete and submit from there. Thus, reducing paper use and lost forms, and increasing timely return. We are grateful for your patience during this transition phase.
Payment of Accounts
Below is a list of current options for paying your family accounts.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Norwood Primary School accepts direct bank deposits for fee and family account payments. Please use your child’s name and a brief description (if possible), e.g. sfee for school fee, swim for swimming etc as a reference when depositing monies via online banking – this ensures payments are credited to the correct account. All CONSENT FORMS still need to be returned to Class Teachers please.
Account Name: Norwood Primary School Council Inc
BSB: 105-010 Account No: 070435140
The front office has EFTPOS facilities available. You can call in and pay in person between 8:30-10am. Alternatively you can call and make a credit card payment over the phone on 8362 4666.
If you have any questions or need extra time to make a payment, please see Tracey Kerley (Finance Officer) or Melissa Evans (Principal) for a confidential discussion.