Out of School Hours Care
Norwood OSHC Service
Operating Times
Before School Care: 7 – 8.45am After School Care: 3 – 6pm
Visit the website or call 8362 0805 for bookings or enquiries.
Norwood Out of School Hours Care has been providing a valuable service to the parents of Norwood Primary School since it was first opened as Norwood After School Activities Centre in 1967, by the premier, Don Dunstan. We are housed in rooms, consisting of an office, computer area, craft room and kitchen which form part of the school gymnasium. This allows us to offer rich, varied, enjoyable and challenging programs.
Role in the Community
We endeavour: To seek ways to support family life, to provide constructive play situations for children, and to generate creative ideas for leisure time. To promote parental involvement in the Management of the Centre at whatever level they feel comfortable. To collaborate with the school so that we have a shared vision and common values.
Our Programs aim to support and complement teaching and learning strategies practised in the school environment, especially in relation to children’s social and emotional development.
Vacation Care
Norwood OSHC provides an exciting and varied Vacation Care Program. Each program is designed to offer a wide range of excursions and activities and to cater for the different age groups, interests and developmental needs of 5 – 13 year olds. We welcome primary-aged children from other schools, many of whom already attend on a regular basis, providing an opportunity for the children in our care to develop broader friendship networks and social groups.
School Closure, Pupil Free Day Days & Vacation Care: 7.30am – 6.00pm
Our Management Committee consists of the parents of children attending the Centre, community representatives and staff. We are an Incorporated Association responsible for financial management, meeting legislated requirements and ensuring the development and implementation of policies relating to the children, parents and staff of our Centre. Norwood OSHC provides an exciting and varied Vacation Care Program.